IFOAM - Organics International has established six topic-specific Sector Platforms. These platforms are designed to enhance global representation of individual topics relevant to the entire organic movement. Each platform is comprised of IFOAM affiliates active in that specific segment of the sector.
Sector Platforms are currently grouped into the following subject areas: animal husbandry, apiculture, aquaculture, seeds, technological innovation, and organic farmer organizations.
Knowledge, positions, concerns, and issues specific to each subject area are integrated into the work of IFOAM - Organics International individually through these platforms.
Similar to our Regional Bodies, these six platforms mirror the structure and principles of IFOAM - Organics International.
IFOAM Animal Husbandry Alliance
The animal husbandry 'think tank' of the IFOAM - Organics International Action Group.
Inter-Continental Network of Organic Farmers Organisations
An autonomous structure within IFOAM - Organics International representing organic farmers’ organizations.