Half of the world’s organic agricultural land is in Oceania and the region is also home to the fully organic island of Cicia. Australia has the most organic farmland, 35.7 million hectares, whereas the highest organic share of total agricultural land can be found in Samoa, with 34.5 percent of all farmland under organic cultivation. The region is home to almost 21,000 organic producers of whom 12,800 are in Papua New Guinea, almost 2,000 in Samoa, and over 1,800 producers in Australia.
Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) play a significant role in the development of organic in the pacific islands. PGS are locally focused on quality assurance systems. They certify producers based on the active participation of stakeholders and are built on a foundation of trust, social networks, and knowledge exchange.
There are currently 11 PGS approved to use the Organic Pasifika Mark. The number and variety of PGS certified products on local markets are expanding. The growth of PGS and improved recognition of the value of organics has also contributed to a rise in farmers' markets and supply agreements. Samoa, Niue, Cook Islands, and Fiji now have certified produce sold through farmers' markets, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands has a small amount of certified fresh produce available in selected supermarkets. Fiji also has 135 PGS-certified farmers supplying vegetables to the country’s only organic restaurant, Tukuni.
Moving on to Australia, we see a market estimated to be worth 1.2 billion euros and in New Zealand retail sales value at 155 million euros. Consumers continue to recognize the benefits of organic produce particularly for fruit and vegetables with over 6 in 10 shoppers saying they purchased organic fruit and vegetables at least once in the past 12 months. Campaigns such as Honest Food aim encourage this trend around the world.

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Our members are diversified, throughout Oceania we are represented by NGOs, companies, farmers’ organizations, universities, governments and certification bodies.