A series of discussions held among the African Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA -I) stakeholders, the BMZ, the GIZ, and IFOAM-Organics International identified the need to further develop the capacities of key stakeholders in Africa in EOA. The course will look at training and strengthening the organic leaders' ability to lead the Ecological Organic Agriculture movement, focusing on capacities for advocacy, policy dialogue, research, teamwork, and networking.
Following this strong expression of interest, we are currently planning the EOALC in the frame of the knowledge hub project that started in 2019.
The EOALC is implemented by IFOAM - Organic International on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The EOALC is further formulated to support the organic leaders who are striving for truly sustainable change in agriculture in their regions. The main focus is ‘outward-facing leadership’, striving for sustainable change in agriculture in participants’ regions and countries. EOA is used as a concept in order to emphasise the diverse multi-stakeholder cooperation needed, also across cultures and regions.
Project Accomplishments
The EOALC project implemented two one-week bloc trainings including a webinar series. The five groups which represent the five regions in Africa developed transfer projects to adress a context-specific issue in their region.
The project hosted a Training of Trainers (ToT) which did a deep-dive into developing, planning, and facilitation of an EOALC in the working context of selected participants from the EOALC. The focus of the training was on the perspective of a trainer and organiser.
After the EOALC and ToT, an outcome and impact evaluation was carried out. As a result of this intensive training a Trainers Manual has been developed to support the EOALC Master Trainers in delivering further trainings.
Contact: Patricia Flores (p.flores@ifoam.bio)