
2021 Highlights of IFOAM - Organics International

Reflecting on 2021, we can say it has been a challenging road where we continued to adapt to the pandemic. On one hand, we held the Organic World Congress in a hybrid format and our very first digital General Assembly. We also successfully promoted organic on advocacy and policy levels, and trained more than 250 future organic leaders around the world. 

On the other hand, despite all these successes, we also faced a financially challenging situation.  Your support and contributions to ensure we can continue positioning organic as a solution to the global issues we commonly face, are always valued and much appreciated.

We are half way to achieving our 300k€ donation goal for 2021 and kindly ask you to help us achieve it, e.g. by doubling your membership fee 2022 or making a one-time donation.

Next year, as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we hope to build back stronger and shape the future of organic together! 🌻


Advocating for Organic  |  Spotlighting organic farmers' voices  |  Leading Organic Change

Events 2021  |  Events 2022

Advocating for Organic


Scaling up Agroecology in the Himalayas Together

April 28-29, 2021 

15+ high-level policy experts gathered to discuss and inspire key decision-makers on policies supporting agroecology and organic agriculture in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, specifically India, Bhutan and Nepal. The sessions provided analyses of approaches and tools to help promote & implement the 10 elements of agroecology and 4 principles of organic agriculture on a policy level in the Himalaya region.

Recording Day 1
Recording Day 2

UN Food System
Summit 2021

September 2021 

The UNFSS culminated in hybrid events. Despite the controversial process of the summit, IFOAM – Organics International decided to engage formally with the UNFSS and, together with like-minded partners, managed to bring to life a coalition on agroecology and regenerative agriculture.

Read More

Spotlighting Organic Farmers' Voices


Global Action Day 2021

In 2021, #IGrowYourFood became a global action day where farmers and sustainable food and farming advocates make their voices heard and address you, policymakers and anyone interested in showing how organic farming can make a difference and be a pathway to sustainable food systems. 

Over 200 videos collected, see a selection on our 2021 playlist!

Organic Farming Innovation Awards 2021 (OFIA)

August 19, 2021 

The winners of the 2021 OFIA were announced at an awards ceremony hosted by the Rural Development Administration of South Korea and IFOAM – Organics International, after a record number of innovation submissions were received. The Grand Prize was awarded to Tani Organik Merapi (TOM) from Indonesia and the Science Prize was awarded to the joint submission from Bingenheimer Saatgut and Kultursaat in Germany.

  • Over 180 innovation submissions received
  • Submissions from over 60 countries

The award ceremony was broadcast live on Youtube and Facebook.

Organic Markets for Development (OM4D)

OM4D led to the the establishment  of a national PGS in Ghana and the government of Sao Tome and Principe intends to turn the island into 100% Organic.

Nutrition in Mountain Agro-Ecosystems (NMA) Phase II

NMA ended in October 2021 after 6 years working in mountainous regions of the world: Andes, Hindukush, Himalayas, Pamir and Tian Shan, and Ethiopia in Africa. NMA triggered transformative change in local food systems. For example, NMA Peru was able to demonstrate an improvement of up to 30% in dietary diversity of the most vulnerable populations in mountain areas.

The Academy

We have trained 302 people to become more knowledgeable and skilled in organic agriculture or even to turn into trainers themselves via the Academy. Mostly in Africa. 

In 2021, 14 courses (ToTs & OLCs) were held with participants from 29 countries.

The Biggest Events of 2021!


Organic World Congress (OWC) 

September 6-10, 2021

In future, there can only be one form of agriculture and that is organic; all other practices do undermine any future possibility to do agriculture at all. - Johan Rockström

1,500+ participants gathered during the first ever hybrid Organic World Congress, hosted virtually by Rennes, France.

High-level decision-makers — like EU Agriculture Commissioner Janus Wojciechowski & FAO Deputy Director Beth Bechdol recognised the important contributions made by organic and agroecological agriculture towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.

Johan Rockström, Director of the Postdam Institute for Climate Change, clearly stated the importance of the organic sector. His strong words came with a hopeful scientific find: there is enough for all to have a healthy diet if we produce sustainably, reduce food waste and reduce meat intake. In fact, a diet fitting our planetary boundaries is the one recommended by WHO as the optimal diet for all human beings!


PGS Pre-Conferences

September 6-7, 2021

The worldwide PGS community convened virtually for the "30 Years of PGS Development: A Root and Branch Appraisal". 

Event organized by IFOAM - Organics International, Nature & Progrès and CIRAD, at the the framework of the 20th Organic World Congress.

 Celebration of how the movement has grown, and all that has been accomplished since the nascent PGS community gathered for the first time 17 years ago in Brazil. 

117 participants from over 30 countries. They gathered and shared their work and reflections on PGS Diversity, Sustainability and means of Innovation.

General Assembly

September 13-14, 2021 

We held our 1st virtual GA ever and it was a success! 

55% of the membership voted on reforming our structure, moving towards an inclusive One Membership concept, guiding our positioning, defining the host for the next GA 2024, and much more. Congratulations to Tunisia!

A new World Board composed of 7 women and 3 men from all around the world, was elected. Meet them  here.

Our affiliates can find the 2021 GA Draft Minutes in the Membership Area

What's coming up in 2022? 



The world's leading trade fair for organic food is back!

We will join the event by offering opportunities to engage with our membership, providing expertise in congress sessions and of course at our booth.

Come and join us!

Please note that planning for BIOFACH will depend on Covid-19 regulations put in place by the state of Bavaria.

Our 50-year anniversary! 

IFOAM - Organics International will turn 50 in 2022!

Join us in celebrating the organic achievements of the last 50 years!

More information coming soon.