Europe has favourable natural conditions for organic farming and huge growth potential. The ever-increasing demand in the Swiss and European markets and an emerging domestic market for healthy food in Eastern Europe provides interesting business opportunities in particular in exportation and local market development.
The overall goal is to increase and enhance jobs in the organic sector, particularly for youth and women, and to contribute to the multiple positive effects of organic farming in terms of economic growth, innovation and natural environment.
A number of actions were identified to achieve this such as Public Private Partnerships, strengthening sector institutions, value chains and advisory services, producer group development as well as the development of market strategies and raising consumer awareness.
Public Private Partnerships
To facilitate organic exports and partnership with the private sector, a number of PPP are now underway in Albania, Serbia and Ukraine. You can find more information in the country sections below or download all factsheets in one document here.
- Implementation of organic cultivation of medicinal & aromatic plants in the region of Prrenjas
- Organic Herbs Sector Development in Rrogozhine Area
- Improving competitiveness and sustainability of medicinal and aromatic plants through advance technologies and organic production
- Increase Albania’s export of organic olive oil through increased storing capacities and stronger supply chains
- Stronger Supply Chains for Organic Delicacies from Serbia in the DACH Region
- Revitalization of the cold store located in Boturic
- Supporting the development of climate resilient organic raspberry production in the Brus area of Serbia
- Sustainable and climate-resilient sunflower value chain and corresponding innovative climate-resilient production systems
Awareness Raising Campaigns
Campaigns have been launched in Albania and Serbia to support the growth of their domestic markets by raising consumer awareness of the multiple benefits of choosing organic produce.
Based on the findings of a market research survey and stakeholder consultations, the PROBIO campaign focusses on highlighting the benefits of organic for the health of people and the planet. A toolkit was created using key messages that can be shared by stakeholders across the sector from the campaign website. The Albanian Minister for Agriculture attended the campaign launch in May 2023 and spoke about the important role organic agriculture can play in the future of Albania. You can hear what she said here.
In addition a media workshop was held to ensure that the campaign was reaching as wide an audience as possible. Journalists and influencers were invited to a presentation about organics and also taken on a field trip to meet organic farmers and entrepreneurs as can be seen in this short video. The workshop also led to an appearance on national TV. This was just the start and there is more to come this year! Follow campaign updates on Facebook and Instagram.
The campaign slogan in Serbia is Mislim na nas which can be translated as Thinking of Us meaning when consumers buy organic they are doing so because it supports famers and our surroundings. Local farmers are the faces of the campaign and they tell their stories in short videos. The campaign was launched at the Novi Sad agriculture fair and gathered some media attention!
Following up on the campaign launch, a media workshop was held to give journalists the opportunity to interact more with farmers and learn more about organic agriculture directly from those growing our food. There are many more exciting plans for 2023! Follow campaign updates on Facebook and Instagram.
The OT4D project is supported by State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and implemented by IFOAM - Organics International in joint collaboration with the consortium Helvetas / FiBL. IFOAM – Organics International and its consortium works together with the country coordinators / national country offices. They are the local implementers in Albania, Serbia and Ukraine with close collaboration with the different Swiss agencies such as Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) and embassies as well as other complementary programs in the region.
Concrete Objectives
Organic exports will be developed and supported through public engagement with the Swiss and European organic sourcing industry. The Swiss and European organic sourcing industry has been invited to participate in a call for a Public Private Partnership (PPP) project with the objective of increasing the competitiveness and value addition of existing or new supply chains originating from the Western Balkans (Serbia and Albania) or Ukraine. The PPP projects were able to apply for financial support by the OT4D co-financning facility. The private sector is expected to contribute at least 50% of the PPP project costs. Learn more here.
The implementation of Organic 3.0 in the partner countries contributes to the sustainable growth of their organic sectors. At the core is the development of the domestic market, including both the demand and supply side. The focus is on capacity development for value chain stakeholders, producers and processors, sector institutions and market systems plus advocacy and awareness raising.

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Organic Trade 4 Development in Eastern Europe (OT4D) Leadership Course in Serbia (OLC-Serbia)
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Helpline for Certification Bodies and Consultants
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