Organic Trade 4 Development in Eastern Europe (OT4D) is accelerating the uptake of organic farming in Albania, Serbia and Ukraine by engaging in Organic 3.0, a vision to mainstream and position organic systems as part of the solution to solving the challenges faced by our planet and our species.
IFOAM - Organics International calls for proposals for partnership to implement the export promotion component of OT4D, with a focus on Public Private Partnerships for trade investments by the Swiss industry to facilitate organic exports from the target countries.
Europe has favorable natural conditions for organic farming and huge growth potential. The ever-increasing demand in the Swiss and European markets and an emerging domestic market for healthy food in Eastern Europe provides interesting business opportunities in particular in exportation and local market development. A number of actions were identified such as strengthening sector institutions and advisory services, producer group development and value chain upgrading, developing of market strategies and consumer awareness raising.